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 Dates and Events

Autumn Term Dates 2024

2nd & 3rd September- Training days (Closed for all children)

4th September- First day of term

28th-1st November half-term (All year-round children only)

19th December- Last day of term

20th December- Nativity at the church and stay and play  9.30am-11-am at Pre-school  (Closed for all children)


Spring Term Dates 2025                                                                                    

6th January- Training day- (Closed for all children)

7th January- First day of term

17th-21st February- Half-term (All year-round children only)

4th April- Last day of term

7th-18th April Easter holidays (All year-round children only)

21st April- Easter Monday (Closed for all children)


Summer Term Dates 2025  

22nd April- First day of term

5th May- Bank holiday- (Closed for all children)

26th- 30th May- Half-term (All year-round children only)

17th July- Last day of term

18th July- Sports day, open morning and leavers party. (Closed for all children)


Closed to all children 

2nd& 3rd September 2024- Training days

20th December 2024- Nativity and open morning

Monday 23rd December 2024- Monday 6th January 2025- Christmas break

Friday 18th March 2025 - Good Friday

Monday 21st April 2025- Easter Monday

Monday 5th May 2025 - Bank Holiday

Monday 26th May 2025- Bank Holiday

Friday 18th July 2025- Sports Day and Open morning

Monday 25th August 2025- Bank Holiday


Friday 20th December 2024 Nativity and open morning 9.30am-11.00 am

Friday 18th July 2025- Sports Day & Open morning 9.30 am- 11.00am

Friday 18th July 2025 - Leavers' Party 1pm-3pm



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